Vacancy Re-Announcement
The Office of the Attorney General is pleased to re-announce the vacancy for the post of Chief Legal Officer of the Attorney General. Application along with Curriculum Vitae should be summited to HR section,Secretariat Services, OAG latest by 24th March, 2021.For any queries, please contact HRO at (+975-2) 331128 or PABX Tel: (+975-2) 326889/324604 during […]
Notice Inviting Tender for Enterprise Legal Management System Development
The Office of the Attorney General invites sealed bid quotations for the development of the Enterprise Legal Management System. The tender submission and opening dates are detailed in the following table: Sl. No. Name of Goods/Services Last date of submission Date & time of tender opening 1) ELMS System Development 4th March 2021 before 2:30pm […]
Selection Result for the post of Chief Legal Officer for the Legal Division, Royal Civil Service Commission.