Following Section of the Procurement Rules and Regulation 2019 the Office would like to notify the following:
- NGN Technologies Private Limited was the successful bidder for the Enterprise Legal Management System Development Tender.
- The following are the information up to the date of the Award of the decision:
- The letter of intent was sent on 22nd March 2020 vide letter no. OAG/ELMS/2020-21/1770 to NGN Technologies Private Limited.
- Similarly, a letter to the other bidder regarding the tender evaluation result was sent on 22nd March 2021 vide letter no. OAG/ELMS/2020-21/1771 with a standstill period of 10 days granted to the aggrieved bidder for any complaints.
- However, no complaints were received.
- The Letter of Acceptance was received by the Office on 24th March 2021 vide letter no. NGN/ECentric/NR/001 from the successful Consultant to proceed with the contract negotiations, and signing of the contract, and awarding the work.
- After the negotiations on the contract terms and conditions, the contract was signed and the work is awarded to NGN Technologies Private Limited on 8th April 2021.
- The Procuring Agency shall pay the Consultant (NGN Technologies Private Limited) an amount not exceeding a ceiling of Nu. 4,750,000.00 (Ngultrum Four Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Only). This amount has been established based on the submitted financial proposals by the Consultant. This amount includes all of the Consultant’s costs and profits as well as any tax obligation that may be imposed on the Consultant.