Launching of official Facebook page Coinciding with this auspicious day (29.03.2021), the Office is pleased to launch its institutional Facebook page today by the Attorney General. The effective use of ICT as the most prominent medium of communication is expected to bridge between the institution and the general public while rendering effective and efficient legal services. The official Facebook page will also enable to share prompt and credible information related to the events, information on cases and other information of the Office through official statements and timely press releases directly from the Attorney General’s Office. The Attorney General’s Office as the executive legal arm of the Government intends to showcase the delivery of its legal services in the most transparent and accountable manner so that the young institution can gain credibility and public trust by making information regarding the functioning of the Office as accessible as possible in this technology age. This platform also is also expected to fulfill the Office’s mandate where Section 51(3) of the Office of the Attorney General Act 2015 states, ‘the Office may disseminate legal information to enhance awareness of laws among the people.’
Lungten Dungyur
Attorney General of Bhutan

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