Workshop on Emerging Dimension of Law
The Office of the Attorney General organized a three day workshop in Paro on Emerging Dimensions of Law which was attended by all the government lawyers in Bhutan. The objectives of the workshop was to: Update the lawyers on the emerging laws vis-à-vis democratic setting Ensure that legal services are provided in uniform setting by […]
Chief Training and Support CIS, Federal Administrative Court, Switzerland visits OAG
Mr. Patrick Bucher, Chief Training and Support CIS, Federal Administrative Court, Switzerland accompanied by Judges, Registrar and ICTO of the Judiciary of Bhutan Visited the OAG to familiarize with the Case Management System (CMS) of OAG and to compare the CMS of OAG and the Supreme Court of Bhutan.
“13th SAARCLAW & 10th SAARC Chief Justices Conference” in Kathmandu, Nepal
Five officials of the Office of the Attorney General attended the 13th SAARCLAW (South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation in Law) and 10th SAARC Chief Justices Conference in Kathmandu, Nepal on 5th and 6th of March, 2016.